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Chronicle album "Lumières" - S. CHAMBON

"Lumières" album by S. Chambon


"... Easily recognizable from "Lumière", the first title of the album, the incandescence, the echos free, telluric breath, striking, racing, even " dance in trance " as would say this (other one) lit of sleeve, Claude Barthélémy, all the elements are there. Climates crossed in an imaginary geography in the disorientated directions, appear deliberately in this brilliant, vibrating, poetic and brilliant album, the variety of the subjects...

... In this closed set intervene apparently contrasted personalities who surimposent and connect with delicacy. So there are prompters, three different generations which form the same family. Of these fragmented universes is born a certain harmony, and it results from it a true light, where the jazz knows how to find its road.

This disk, really, does not miss coherence. And if it spreads a soft lyric in a musical language where bases itself number of liked references, the set knows how to keep unity and originality..." - S. CHAMBON